How to know if the lubricating oil is still in use?

Is there a secret to keeping equipment always working properly, with gains in performance and productivity? All this without headaches with unnecessary costs? Yes there is.

Ensuring the quality of lubricating oil is the starting point for the correct functioning of equipment in the industrial, agriculture, transportation, and civil construction areas, for example. As industry experts say, lubricating oil can be compared to the bloodstream. This is due to the role it plays in the machines.

However, it is worth remembering that the oil has a useful life, which can be extended. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to signs to know if the lubricating oil is still in use.

Problems with contamination of lubricating oil

One of the main problems faced by lubricating oil is related to contamination, which occurs in several ways, such as the presence of:

  • Water: the presence of water is quite common in lubricating oil. It usually causes accelerated corrosion of surfaces, wear of parts, among others;
  • Particles: they are the result of the external production process itself, such as the transformation of metals, wood, mining, among others. It still occurs internally, with natural wear of parts;

Industry professionals explain that, on several occasions, contamination of the lubricating oil is also a consequence of the maintenance process. This usually occurs when the necessary care is not taken when changing parts, repairs, welding, oil changes, etc.

Thus, it is essential to pay attention to the signs that show whether lubricating oil is still in use or not.

Signs to know lubricating oil is still in use

Detecting whether lubricating oil is still in working order is not always an easy task, however, it is not impossible. Professionals point out that it is common for machines to exhibit unusual behavior when the oil is in inadequate conditions. Among the most common signs are:

– Oxidation of nozzles, pumps and injection engines;
– Need to constantly change filters because of saturation;
– Need for spare parts;
– Engine and machine failures;
– Increased consumption;
– Slow performance;
– Low productivity;
– Difficulty of operation;

What to do?

Contaminated oil is synonymous with financial losses. This is because it reduces the service life of bearings, nozzles, pumps and other parts, increases consumption, and can also cause machines to be stopped.

As experts explain, the most accurate way to know if lubricating oil is still in use is through analysis. This helps to detect, as well as solve, problems at an early stage, preventing significant losses.

How is the analysis of the lubricating oil performed?

The analysis of lubricating oil is performed after collecting a sample from the machine, which is taken for analysis in the laboratory. It is important to note that different analyzes can take place, as different samples can be collected from different parts of the equipment.

After the analysis is made, the customer receives the results that confirm that the lubricating oil is still in working condition.

The importance of microfiltration in oil quality

Specialized companies emphasize that the most modern and effective system to guarantee the quality of lubricating oil is through microfiltration. The process is extremely efficient, being able to eliminate solid microparticles that contaminate the oil, as well as being effective in removing excess water.

Microfiltration is the process capable of containing particles that are not eliminated by traditional filtration, which normally only retains large and medium residues. The technology eliminates solid waste with pores between 0.1 to 10 micrometers, separating the particles that contaminate the oil. That is, the fine and ultrafine particles.

Do you want to know more about the quality of your machine’s lubricating oil and avoid losses? Then contact POC Filters now!

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